When researching the men who died on the War memorial in Addison Road I uncovered a lot of material about other local men that were soldiers in the First World War.

Some appeared in the Parish Registers when they had children baptised or were married, others were listed in the local papers when they received gallantry medals or were wounded.

Many Army service records survived the War and are now available on-line via Ancestry.co.uk. By searching these records by soldier's place of residence, I discovered many more local soldiers and details of their military service.

Sources are bp = Holy Trinity baptism records, sa = Surrey Advertiser, sr = Army Service Record and Oakley = Guildford in the Great War - Roll of Honour by W.H. Oakley

House Road Name First Name Surname Regiment Source More Details
Ringmore Addison Arthur DANIELS Royal Engineers
8 Addison Sydney PERRY Royal Engineers
10 Addison Herbert James CALVER Royal Army Medical Corps
11 Addison William BAIGENT 1/5th Queens RW Surrey
12a Addison Henry TANNER Royal Fusiliers 10th Bn
16 Addison John Ellis GUNTER Royal Garrison Artillery
18 Addison George F. HIBBERT Machine Gun Corps
18 Addison Thomas J. HIBBERT Royal Engineers
29 Addison J.C. 'Jonney' BAKER 1st Bn Bedford
Died in 1914
52 Addison Cecil NEWMAN Royal Veterinary Corps
52 Addison Harry NEWMAN 3rd. Dragoons
64 Addison Arthur FRANKLIN Army Service Corps
69 Addison William CAPON Army Service Corps
73 Addison Gordon Norman ETHERTON A.S.C. / 1st Bn Cheshire Killed in Action
77 Addison Harry Matthew WISE Machine Gun Corps
79 Addison Arthur Percival STANFORD 2/4th Queens RW Surrey
83 Addison Charles Ernest MITCHELL 1/5th Queens RW Surrey
85 Addison George A. PEACH 1/5th Queens RW Surrey
91 Addison Arthur Dudley BURR 29th Middlesex / Northants
118 Addison Frederick Perry BULLEN 2nd Queens RW Surrey
118 Addison Alfred GILBERT Soldier
119 Addison Jessie Arthur Albany PETERS 1/5th Bn Queens RW Surrey
125 Addison Henry Albert SNELLING Army Service Corps bp/sr
132 Addison John Harold EARLE 5th Bn Oxford & Bucks.L.I.
134 Addison Tom TAYLOR Soldier
3 Cline John LYMPOSS 3rd King's Own Royal Lancaster
8 Cline Clement MATTHEWS Soldier
17 Cline Cecil JENNER Queens RW Surrey
20 Cline Cornelius George JACKSON Royal Engineers bp
24 Cline Charlie DUMBRELL Royal Engineers
47 Cline William Richard GOODCHILD R. Engineers (302nd Railway Construction)
57 Cline Herbert William DOBSON Army Service Corps
61 Cline Harry William SCARLETT Cambridgeshire & Suffolk Reserve Bn
67 Cline William Thomas IVES Army Service Corps
89 Cline Archibald Edward PALIN 13th Bn Australian Inf killed in action Oakley
95 Cline Richard SAVAGE Royal East Kent's
101 Cline Sidney Charles JAMES Queens Royal West Surrey
109 Cline George HARRIS Army Service Corps
109 Cline Horace HORNE Soldier
3 Cooper Charles W. PRICE Machine Gunner Royal Fusiliers
15 Cooper Herbert William LYMPOSS Royal Engineers
24 Cooper William YEO 2nd Lt Wiltshire Regiment
?? Cooper Albert JORDAN 1st South African Infantry
60 Addison Will Boxall Royal Army Medical Corps
update Feb 2010

Ringmore, Addison Rd
Royal Engineers
From Service Record
Enlisted 9/10/15 age 25, Rgtl No. 73820, went to France 4/2/16 promoted to l/cpl 1/1/18 was office telegraphist before the war

8, Addison
Sydney PERRY
Royal Engineers
From Service Record
Enlisted 16/8/16 age 31, Rgtl No. 174388, wounded in France 24/12/16, 57th Field Coy. Before War was a carter.

10, Addison
Herbert James CALVER
Royal Army Medical Corps
From Service Record
Enlisted 17/6/18 age 43, Rgtl No. 152656 trained Blackpool then posted to 331st Field Ambulance, Norfolk. Grocer before the War

11, Addison
1/5th Queens RW Surrey
From Surrey Advertiser 27/10/1917 Wounded 29th September 1917 Mesopotamia. Previously a milkman at the Co-Op Dairy

12a, Addison
Royal Fusiliers 10th Bn
Regiment recorded in Holy Trinity Baptism Register when he had his child baptised, 13/05/1917

16, Addison
John Ellis GUNTER
Royal Garrison Artillery
From Service Record
Enlisted 8/12/15 age 32, Rgtl No.86172, went to France 6/4/18 12th Heavy Bty 29th Brigade RGA. Brewer's Journeyman before war

18, Addison
Machine Gun Corps
Mentioned in Surrey Advertiser, 03/08/1918 in article about the death of his brother, John Hibbert. See Roll of Honour for more details

18, Addison
Royal Engineers
Mentioned in Surrey Advertiser, 03/08/1918 in article about the death of his brother, John Hibbert. See Roll of Honour for more details.

29, Addison
J.C. 'Jonney' BAKER
1st Bn Bedford
From Oakley, Guildford and the Great War
Died 9/11/14, age 36. Husband of Mrs. Baker, 29 Addison Road.
CWGC database states he Died 9/11/14 and was son of Frederick and Emma Baker, Fowlmere and husband of Florence Baker, Mill Road, Cambridge. Le Touret Memorial, France. Panel 10 and 11.
Soldiers Died in Great War database same details but adds place of birth is Fowlemere and residence was Royston, Herts.

52, Addison
Royal Veterinary Corps
Mentioned in Surrey Advertiser, 28/08/1915 in article about the death of his brother, Athur Newman. See Roll of Honour for more details.

52, Addison
3rd. Dragoons
Mentioned in Surrey Advertiser, 28/08/1915 in article about the death of his brother, Athur Newman. See Roll of Honour for more details.

60, Addison
Will Boxall
Royal Army Medical Corps
I have been contacted by a nephew of Will who tells me that Will saw service in France. He was gassed and invalided out of the army and the damage done by the gas affected him for the rest of his life. Will had to undergo several operations and treatment at the Royal Surrey hospital. The long periods spent in hospital affected Will's ability to earn a decent living and a report in the Surrey Advertiser (date unknown) shows that the residents of Charlotteville organised a Benefit Social for Will and his wife which raised £25 (quite a sum of money in those days).

64, Addison
Army Service Corps
Regiment recorded in Holy Trinity Baptism Register when he had his child baptised, 07/08/1916

69, Addison
William CAPON
Army Service Corps
Regiment recorded in Holy Trinity Baptism Register when he had his child baptised, 18/10/1914

73, Addison
Gordon Norman ETHERTON
Army Service Corps / 1st Bn Cheshire
From Service Record
Enlisted 6/7/1915 age 20.Rgtl No. 124794, then 51238. France 27/9/16, transferred to 1st Cheshire 24/9/17. Killed in Action 3/7/18 age 22. Butcher before the War parents lived 40 Walnut Tree Close. Commemorated on Guildford Memorial.

77, Addison
Harry Matthew WISE
Machine Gun Corps
From Service Record
Enlisted 2/8/18 age 18. Rgtl No. 414114 still in training when war finished. In hospital with influenza 1/11/18 - 21/11/1918. Fitters assistant before the War.

79, Addison
Arthur Percival STANFORD
2/4th Queens RW Surrey
From Service Record
Enlisted 4/10/14 age 19. Rgtl No. 3281/206542, went to Gallipoli 17/7/15, was wounded 9/8/15. Rejoined unit in Egypt. Gun-shot wound to right wrist France 29/7/18. Service record is mixed up with that of Charles KNAPP. Search for this name. Also from Holy Trinity Baptism records had a child baptised on 19/03/1916

83, Addison
Charles Ernest MITCHELL
1/5th Queens RW Surrey
From Service Record Enlisted 10/9/14 age 20. Rgtl No. 2583. Sent to India 29/10/1914. Into action Basrah 10/12/15. Transferred to Signal Coy Royal Engineers 7/9/17.Returned UK 18/4/19

85, Addison
George A. PEACH
1/5th Queens RW Surrey
From Surrey Advertiser 27/10/1917
Wounded 4th October 1917. Joined up at the beginning of the War and served in India and Mesopotamia. Previously worked at the Friary Brewery.

91, Addison
Arthur Dudley BURR
29th Middlesex / Northants
From Service Record
Enlisted 21/7/16 age 35
Rgtl No. G/73263, 39170, 855864. Baker and Painter before War

118, Addison
Frederick Perry BULLEN
2nd Queens RW Surrey
From Holy Trinity Baptism records.
Had a child baptised 21/02/1915

118, Addison
Soldier From Holy Trinity Baptism records
Had a child baptised 12/09/1918. Regiment not given.

119, Addison
Jessie Arthur Albany PETERS
1/5th Bn Queens RW Surrey
From Service Record
Enlisted 25/5/08 age 15 years 9 months. Initially as a boy soldier with 5th Bn Queens,. Promoted to bugler 14/3/11. Promoted to l/cpl when joined the 1/5th Bn Queens 17/10/16. Rgtl No. 240036 Promoted to Cpl 10/8/17. Received India General Service Medal 1908 with Afghanistan NW Frontier 1919 clasp, indicating he served in this theatre in 1919.
From Surrey Advertiser 19/12/28 played the last post at the unveiling of the Charlotteville Memorial.
His son, Arthur PETERS was killed in World War 2 and is commemorated on the Charlotteville Memorial. See Roll of Honour for more details.

125, Addison
Henry Albert SNELLING
Army Service Corps
From Service Record.
Enlisted 9/12/15. Rgtl. No. 312824 . Kept on reserve until posted to France as a driver with XX Force Royal Horse Transport 22/3/17. Returned to UK 20/10/19. Previous occupation was milkman.
From Holy Trinity Baptism Records
Had child baptised 29/04/1917.

132, Addison
John Harold EARLE
5th Bn Oxford & Bucks.L.I.
From Service Record
Enlisted 8/12/14. Rgtl No. 16786 France 20/5/15. Wounded 25/9/15 gun shot wounds leg,groin,hand, awarded Silver War Badge. Printer before the War. Returned to UK to Upper Norwood

134, Addison
From Holy Trinity Baptism Records
Had child baptised 13/02/1916. No regiment details.

3, Cline
3rd King's Own Royal Lancaster
From Service Record
Enlisted 13/10/16 age 38. Rgtl No. 85073 Before war was a carter.

8, Cline
From Holy Trinity Baptism Records
Had child baptised 06/10/1918. No regiment details.

17, Cline
Queens RW Surrey
From Surrey Advertiser 27/07/1918
He was wounded in the left-arm and in hospital in France.

20, Cline
Cornelius George JACKSON
Royal Engineers
From Holy Trinity Baptism Records
Had child baptised 01/11/1914

24, Cline
Royal Engineers
From Holy Trinity Baptism Records
Had child baptised 16/09/1918

47, Cline
William Richard GOODCHILD
R. Engineers (302nd Railway Construction)
From Service Record
Enlisted 29/12/16 age 36. Rgtl No. 221059 sent to France 15/1/17 promoted l/cpl 21/11/17, cpl 23/3/18. Before war was toll collector/market supervisor

57, Cline
Herbert William DOBSON
Army Service Corps
From Service Record
Enlisted 2/9/15 age 44. Rgtl No. 16203 France 24/9/15 20th Labour Coy, transferred 1918 to 835th Employment Coy. Gardener before war

61, Cline
Harry William SCARLETT
Cambridgeshire & Suffolk Reserve Bn
From Service Record
Enlisted 11/10/18 age 18. Rgtl No. 66631 no record that he was ever posted overseas

67, Cline
William Thomas IVES
Army Service Corps
From Service Record
Enlisted 2/9/15 age 44. Rgtl No. 16225 Served for 13 years with RW Surrey Regt until 1903. Sent to France 24/9/15 joined 20th Labour Coy transferred 729th Labour Coy. Postman before War

89, Cline
Archibald Edward PALIN
13th Bn Australian Inf (killed in action)
From Oakley, Guildford in the Great War and from De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour (now available on-line via Ancestry.co.uk)
Rgtl No 938. Foster son of Mrs Ann Charman. He was born Dorking 1872, afterwards Australia. Joined up at outbreak of War, killed in action Gallipoli 3/5/15. From road directory 1916 E. Charman resided 89 Cline Road

95, Cline
Richard SAVAGE
Royal East Kent's
From Holy Trinity Baptism Records
Had a child baptised on 18/03/1917

101, Cline
Sidney Charles JAMES
Queens Royal West Surrey
From Holy Trinity Baptism Records
Had a child baptised on 20/12/1914

109, Cline
Army Service Corps
From service record
Enlisted 27/11/14 age 20. Rgtl No. 1379 and T/4/038775 went to France 21/12/14 96th Coy. Before War had served with Surrey Brigade ASC and was a wood merchant

109, Cline
Horace HORNE
From Holy Trinity Baptism Records
Had a child baptised on 4/05/1918

3, Cooper
Charles W. PRICE
Machine Gunner Royal Fusiliers
From Surrey Advertiser 14/07/1917
Youngest son of Mr. G. Price, 3, Cooper Road, awarded the Military Medal for brave and cool conduct in the field during the advance on July 7th. He was slightly wounded but recovered after 2-3 days in hospital.

Charles' brother, George was killed in 1917 and is commemorated on the Charlotteville memorial. See Roll of Honour for more details

15, Cooper
Herbert William LYMPOSS
Royal Engineers
From service record
Enlisted 6/10/16 age 32. Rgtl No.241800 transferred to R. Sussex 16/9/17 back to RE no. 9 Field Coy 6/1/18. Wounded 31/10/18 no details. Before War was a carpenter

24, Cooper
William YEO
2nd Lt Wiltshire Regiment
From Holy Trinity baptism records
Had a child baptised 19/01/1919

house number unknown, Cooper Road
1st South African Infantry
From Holy Trinity baptism records
Had a child baptised 30/04/1916

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